Sustainability – Our Greener Business

Environmental Sustainability
Our journey to Future Net Zero Standard Transitioning to Electric Vehicles
Building a support business for clients.

Social Responsibility
Continuing supporting Kickstarter Offering Work Experience Placements Yearly nominated charity support

Economical Sustainability
Developing and upskilling current staff
Annual appraisal and mentoring
Enhance roles wIthin GCS
Our ESG areas of consideration are related to the following
Environmental sustainability: We seek to comply with current UK environmental legislation and work to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.
Social responsibility: We engage with our local community through our charity work and encourage the next generation of local engineers by participating in the Kickstarter Scheme, offering work experience placement opportunities for local students
Economical Sustainability Wellbeing and development of our employees: The recruitment, retention, development, and well-being of talented individuals is key to our business’s ongoing success and growth.
We develop and upskill our staff by sponsoring professional qualifications and providing tailored skills training to support employees with their professional development. We look to recruit within where possible and allow our team to develop and evolve their role.
Environmental Impact of our Operations
We seek to comply with current UK environmental legislation and work to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment by:
- Having an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place. This helps us identify and manage significant environmental impacts, increase efficiency. It ensures we comply with environmental legislation and provides benchmarks for improvements. GCS is fully ISO14001 (Environmental Management) accredited, which ensures that we remain aligned to best practice.
- Reducing our carbon footprint. GCS is committed to reducing our carbon footprint
- Reducing waste going to landfill by providing in-office recycling facilities for office waste
The wellbeing and development of our employees
The recruitment, retention and development of talented individuals is key to the ongoing success and growth of our business.
GCS sponsors professional qualifications and provides tailored skills training to support employees with fulfilling their roles and their personal development. We look to recruit within where possible and allow our team to develop and evolve their role.
GCS has implemented a range of supporting policies to ensure that our people are provided with a safe, secure and attractive working environment:
- All GCS employees have access to BUPA’s Employee Support Programme
- Flu vaccinations available to all staff under 50
- Eye examinations available to all staff
- GCS offers the Real Living Wage as a minimum starting salary
- Full induction training provides new employees with health and safety awareness and familiarisation with our business.
In addition our policies include:
- Health and Safety Policy
- Grievance Policy
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Harassment Policy
- Stress Policy
- Relationships at work Policy
- Maternity, paternity and adoption leave policies.
The next generation of engineers
We actively encourage the next generation of engineers, and those entering the workforce, by:
- Participating in Kickstarter Scheme
- Offering work-experience placement opportunities for local students
- Recruiting local staff where possible
Our Assured Values and Behaviours
- Our values and behaviours apply to everyone at GCS Compliance. Our success depends on everyone demonstrating our values and behaviours every day. We use our Leadership Behaviours in our recruitment, appraisals, problem-solving and daily operations.
Our community
GCS supports local events and charities through financial support and contribution of staff time.
GCS Compliance is committed to current practice in gender, diversity and inclusion. We currently have two female directors, a female inspector and a female within our Management Team.

GCS Compliance Ltd
Registered address: Suite 2, Taunton House, Waterside Court, Neptune Way, Rochester, Kent. ME2 4NZ
Phone: 01634 295515 | Fax: 01634 298786
The Company Registration: 03400365
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© 2022 GCS Compliance Ltd